Friday, April 17, 2015

Stepping Stones

I'm happy.  For many reasons.  Let me tell you about them...

I'm home right now in Pennsylvania.  This state will always be home for me no matter where else in the world I live.  I grew up here and have lived the greatest percentage of my life here so far so nothing can change the feelings of normalcy and contentment I have when I'm here.  Granted, I'm only here for a day before I move on again, but what fun would a travel blog be if I didn't go anywhere??

Spring has sprung and the sunshine feels great after such a cold, bitter winter.

My destination this time is Georgia where I will be attending FLETC (a law enforcement academy). I'm happy, in most ways, to be going there.  It will be hot.  And humid.  It may feel a little like I imagine Hell would feel like year round.  But I'm 3 years overdue for some good old fashioned torture.  In a good way, believe me.  I've gotten "soft" since my seasonal academy and I need a kick in the pants to get me going and passionate again.  In a weird way I'm sort of looking forward to the discipline, long days, and the opportunity to test myself.  There's no better way to learn what I'm made of and to find out how far I can push myself without breaking.  Although breaking isn't so bad either (and the TV show was great!).  I've waited for this academy for a long, long time and I'm so excited for it to finally start! It's how my career will advance and is a stepping stone toward everything bigger and better.  I'm more than ready to be surrounded by like-minded people who are passionate about police work and who actually want to do the job.  I'm looking forward to having people be near me that are there because they want to be, not because they're forced to be.  And I think it will be refreshing to have people encouraging me to be proactive instead of shying away from action because of a fear of a few stacks of paper or a little extra work.

Getting off my soap box now... while I'm in Georgia I plan to go on adventures during my free time.  One of those adventures will be Disney (!!!) but who knows what the other ones will be?  A friend in a previous class told me about a wildlife sanctuary he visited that has live alligators in the parking lot! Beaches are another option for my weekends...  Those days off will be precious to me.

So far on this blog I've been to these states: Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.  I think I'll keep a list.

I've also been to West Virginia, Virginia, New Hampshire, Washington D.C., Vermont, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, and Maine in my life for various different reasons and all for longer than a day.  I've got a pretty good list and I'd like to continue building it.

If you're reading this and you're the praying type, I'd appreciate it if you'd add me to your list over the next 7 months (crazy, right?) while I'm at FLETC.  If not, happy thoughts will suffice. ;)  Keep checking back for stories, pictures, and more opportunities to live vicariously through me.

1 comment:

  1. Heather good blog entry. Will be praying for you. looking forward to your future entries
