Monday, March 2, 2015

My Home Away from Home

Big shout out to New Mexico! This is my second time here in this wonderful state, both times in one year, and it just keeps getting better.  These past couple of days I have had the privilege of exploring new corners and hidden gems as well as re-discovering places I've been before.  New Mexico is really, really big and there's so much more to see that it can be overwhelming at times!  I'll just have to keep coming back.  Deep down, I know that I will live here one day.  I don't know when or for what reason, but this place pulls at my soul in ways I cannot describe.  Until then, sporadic visits will have to suffice.

From Amarillo,  we drove until we had to stop in Santa Rosa to wait out another snow storm passing through.  We had a lovely, relaxing night at a Comfort Inn there and woke in the morning to about 4 inches of snow.  Again, people were freaking out for no apparent reason.  It was all very funny to me, actually.  We brushed the snow off our car - also a much easier task than in Massachusetts - and drove to the Blue Hole.  Our first stop of the day was interesting because the water in this natural spring stays at a constant 61*! We couldn't help but stick our fingers in the water to feel it but then immediately regretted doing so when we took them out into the cold, snowy air! It was pretty, for sure.  Just not so blue as it might be under a clear sky on a summer day.  

The only other stop we made was at Clines Corners -  a tourist trap where I bought a Route 66 T-Shirt.  My very first.  The bathrooms were cool but that about summarizes all the hype.

In my excitement to get to Albuquerque we made it into the city super early and then had to wait until Matt was out of work.  Danielle and I spent the entire weekend in Albuquerque with my friend Matt from Temple.  It was a good thing, too because our weather ran the gamut from 9 inches of snow and ice to 60*, sunny, and dry all within those few days! Some of the highlights were my long-awaited purchase of a turquoise bracelet, a hike in Bandelier National Monument,  dinner with Matt's parents, and another visit to Santa Fe.  Oh, and also a leaky apartment roof!  

We left, reluctantly, this morning.  The goal was Arizona but a late start and some more bad weather kept us from getting that far.  The best part of today was a quick visit to El Malpais National Monument!  Gorgeous scenery followed us from there all the way through the Continental Divide with the Red Rock cliffs in the distance and along the road!  We have parked for the night at the El Rancho Hotel, known for its' historically famous occupants.  Lucille Ball's room is down the hall!! We have a room with the name Wallace Beery on it... No clue who that is.  But I probably should know.  Leave a comment if you can enlighten me/us!

Petrified Forest NP is our next stop.  I can't wait for tomorrow!


  1. Heather see below i had never heard of him either

    Wallace Beery was an American character actor who first became famous in the Silent movie era and who successfully made the transition to Talkies, winning a Best Actor Academy Award in 1932 for his performance in 'The Champ'. He gave several memorable characterisations during his 36 year career, beginning with Sweedie, the very masculine Swedish maid, in a series of comedy films, and Bill in 'Min and Bill' during the early 1930's. He was also an unforgettable Long John Silver in 'Treasure Island' in 1934

    1. Thank you MUCH for the information on Mr. Beery! We all learned something new because of the room I stayed in for a night :)

  2. I heard of Wallace Beery!
    Your scenery shots are fantastic. Is that a natural blue in the top one, or did you adjust it from green?

    1. I haven't edited any of my photos that I am posting on my blog. It's natural
