Sunday, February 22, 2015

A 3 State Day

On Friday we traveled in 3 states: Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma.  After we left Carthage, MO we drove for a little bit and made it into Kansas.  We only went through a small corner of it but we made 2 stops.  The first was at Cars on the Route service station.  We took some pictures and then moved on because it was closed.  The next stop wasn't really a stop.  It was called Rainbow Bridge and it was mostly a drive-by.  I was disappointed that it wasn't actually painted like a rainbow.  Shortly after that we crossed into Oklahoma.  Afton Station gave us two nice visuals for how far we have traveled and how far we have left to travel. I can't believe we have almost 400 miles to go until we get to Amarillo! I guess things really spread out once we get past Oklahoma City.  

I learned something new: I like pickles on burgers and hotdogs.  I never used to order them on anything but on this trip whenever we order a "classic" food item (i.e. a burger from Waylan's Ku Ku) they tend to come with pickles.  I didn't want to mess up the taste by removing ingredients and I discovered that I happen to like it the way they make it.  I got onion petals too.  It was a great meal!

By night fall we had made it to Tulsa.  We are still here, actually! We have been having a great time. We went to our cousin's basketball game and then went out to eat afterward.  After that my day wasn't done.  I got to go on a ride-along with the Tulsa police! It was pretty slow because of the weather but we still got some cool calls and I had fun learning about how a different department works :)

(Above is a statue in Tulsa of Cyrus Avery.  I'll have to get back to you later with the exact history here but its a cool statue of a horse drawn carriage and a classic car.)


  1. really cool Heather did you got to go on a ride along did you get to sit up front

  2. I love that rearing horse statue. And I love your latest food breakthrough!
    You girls are about 1/3 of the way down Rte 66 already!

  3. Were they playing the song: "Bad boys, bad boys...." during your ride-a-long with the police? What did D do while you were out hustling perps?

    1. lol she stayed home. I believe she watched TV. I was shocked that she and the rest of the family were still up when I got in around 3 AM!
