Saturday, February 14, 2015

Pure Michigan

Well, we decided to wait.  Thursday was a nice day for trip prep but probably not for driving 10 hours.  So, after packing up the car, we left Pennsylvania yesterday morning instead and were rewarded with bright blue skies and sunshine during the whole drive.  There was a little snow during the last hour or so in Michigan, though, and it has continued to snow off and on every since. Hopefully tomorrow will be good weather!

Above is a picture of us before we left.  My trusty Chevy Cobalt took us a long way yesterday! The drive always seemed a lot shorter and easier when Dad did it during all those family vacations but having done it myself now, I have a new respect for him.  D and I had to alternate driving every couple hours at rest stops.  Although it was really quite scary for me to relinquish control of the steering wheel, if she had not been there I would have been in trouble.  We only hit a few minor "bumps" along the way.  Overall, it was a good first leg of the journey.  Our reward at the end was arriving at our Aunt and Uncle's beautiful house.  We spent the evening relaxing, talking, and going out for pizza with them and our cousins.

This morning we had to wake up kind of early, unfortunately.  But it was for a good reason.  We picked up our rental car today!!!!!  This is the part I was probably most excited about since we left.  We did not end up with a Subaru as I had hoped from the beginning, but I think what we picked out is way better.

Behold, our very own Dodge Journey!  Don't you LOVE the name?  Its very appropriate for our road trip.  And its such a pretty blue color. Inside we have climate control, plenty of avenues for music, and all wheel drive so we won't struggle with any terrain we come across.  I just noticed the low ground clearance, though.  Hopefully that won't matter! 

Today we plan to experience some Detroit classics:  a bumpy cake and a Koney Island hot dog!

Then we will stay one more night here in MI in preparation for our next adventure: Chicago, IL!


  1. Glad you got there safely. I always have trouble "letting" Judy drive and we've been married 22 years.

    Your Journey looks good for your journey.

  2. I love your post and the pictures, Heather! You are well on your way to an adventure of a lifetime. Keep up the good writing.
