Monday, February 9, 2015

Get Your Kicks on Route 66

I've never written my own blog before, so bear with me.  There may be a slight learning curve here....
The purpose of this blog is to document in detail the adventures I expect to encounter while traveling, both at home and abroad.  It seems appropriate to write down my experiences so that I can look back on them later, probably when I'm old and grey.  Reminiscing is always fun...

Ever since I went to Romania in '08 I have been bitten by the travel bug.  Seriously.  Its bad!  Every time I plan a trip I get butterflies in my stomach and I'm so excited I can't focus on anything else.  So here's to paid vacation time, my work furlough, and anything else that allows me to leave wherever I currently am and step into a magical new place.  Here's to freedom.  Here's to adventure!

My first trip will be on Historic Route 66!  This was decided back in August when I visited my friends in Albuquerque, NM.  Part of the route passes right through that city and I kept seeing signs for it during my explorations.  Actually, I believe it was my friend Matt's brother, Paul, who first suggested my next trip could be to drive Route 66!  Since then, the plan has grown and evolved into what it is today.  My sister, henceforth referred to as "D", and I will be leaving in just a few days to begin our journey.  Pennsylvania is home base for the two of us.  Our next stop is West Bloomfield, MI!

My trip actually started on Saturday night when I left Salem, MA where I live and work during most of the year.  So I am truly driving from East Coast to West Coast! I had to get out of Salem before another 2 feet of snow dropped on the ground and trapped me there! (That's been a regular occurrence as of late)  So I drove all night and got home to PA around 3:30 in the morning.  Its nice to see grass again ;)

The author of one of the books I've been using to plan the trip, Jim Hinckley, describes Route 66 as, "a living icon where myth and reality collide, offering a sensory kaleidoscope" with "endless opportunities for adventure.".  I sure hope he's right!  Thanks for following along with me as I drive and explore the Main Street of America.


  1. I'm very excited for both of you. Wish I could go along! Have a wonderful time.

  2. Looking forward to hearing of you travels enjoy this time with Danielle. I wish my brother and I could have done something like this.
