Monday, February 23, 2015

An Oklahoman Blizzard

It is hard to believe that we are almost to Texas.  We have crossed through 4 states and we still have 4 left to go.  That's a good thing!!  Although I have a confession: I want the trip to be over quickly.  And yet, at the same time, I never want it to end, ever! I'm not sure how that is possible.  This adventure is crazy and stressful and unexpected every single day.  But we are having adventures and making memories that I am sure will last a lifetime. 
Danielle and I left Tulsa this morning.  We had a blast while we were there! And the fun didn't end in when we left.  Our cousins came with us for most of our drive to Oklahoma City.  Unfortunately we all had to drive through a blizzard.  Here is a fact: People here do NOT know how to drive in the snow!! I must truly be a Massachusetts native at heart.  And I have a new appreciation for our rental car as well because of its all wheel drive capabilities.  Everybody on the road was driving at a snail's pace and it was making me absolutely CRAZY!  Is it too much to ask to at least go the speed limit?  Apparently so.  At one point, we were moving at 15 mph on a 70 mph highway!  Oh. My. Word.  We only got about 3 inches of snow but everything closed down early like we had gotten 2 feet. 
Anyway, I got ahead of myself again.  The best part of today was stopping at Pops.  This place was incredible.  Its a futuristic gas station/restaurant combo.  It's claim to fame is their 600+ flavors of soda!  I tried one called Pomegranate Ginger Ale.  It was great! I also tried fried okra... Also good :)
By the time we beat all the traffic and navigated to the museum we wanted to see in Oklahoma City, it had already closed.  We made a decision not to push our luck with the weather conditions and instead are staying over night here in the city.  Hopefully we can explore more tomorrow before we leave. 

Dinner tonight is Easy Mac.  Gotta' save money somehow, right? I like the random foods I'm trying on this trip.  But I'm hoping for a big steak in Texas!! And in New Mexico?  Fajitas and sopapillas (which I probably spelled wrong).  Of course food had to play a big role in this trip.  If you know me, that's an obvious conclusion. 


  1. The cold and snow has followed you from New England! Maybe Texas will give you the beginning of warmer temps for the rest of your journey west.

  2. Clueless drivers aside it sounds like Oklahoma has been OK. Few people really know how to drive in snow and the one's who don't are always in front slowing everyone else. You ladies be careful out there. Enjoy the time and I agree the memories you and Danielle are experiencing will last a lifetime.

  3. Hmmm.......600 flavors of soda. Only ONE is necessary. Right?

    Dr Pepper!

  4. Gma got a big laugh out of your driving in the snow in OK paragraph! You are indeed a New England girl. At least for now.
